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How to conduct niche market sizing.

Calculate the size and potential growth of your target market.

Old school world map with dots indicating density of populations and bank notes from difference currencies.

"The size of your market determines the scale of your success. Don't underestimate the power of market sizing." - Elon Musk

For any first-time solopreneur or entrepreneur, the ability to accurately size a market is a crucial component of business success. Knowing the size and potential of your market can help you identify potential customers, set realistic revenue goals, and develop effective marketing strategies. A very important part of market sizing is to ensure you accurately identify your industry and your niche. Getting this wrong can impact your calculations, prioritization, investment and therefore your chances of success.

In this blog post, we’ll explore:

  • What niche market sizing is.

  • Why market sizing it is important.

  • Approaches to sizing a niche market.

  • Key concepts of market sizing.

  • How to conduct market sizing.

# 1. What is niche market sizing?

Market sizing is the process of determining the size and potential of your niche target market.

The process involves the following stages:

  1. Understand your ideal customers and what their needs are.

  2. Conduct research on the industry you’re entering and identify key trends, opportunities, and challenges.

  3. Calculate what percentage of the total addressable market you can realistically serve.

# 2. Why is market sizing Important?

  1. Helps define your go to market strategy: Market sizing provides insights into the customer base, which helps entrepreneurs and business owners develop effective marketing and sales strategies that target the right audience.

  2. Identifies potential revenue: Market sizing helps entrepreneurs estimate the potential revenue they could generate in their target market. This information is critical when developing a business plan and securing funding from investors or lenders.

  3. Helps differentiate the product or service: By conducting market sizing, entrepreneurs can identify the level of competition in their target market. This information helps business owners develop strategies to differentiate themselves from their competitors and gain market share.

  4. Guides business decisions: The insights gained from market sizing can guide business decisions related to product development, pricing, marketing, and sales. This information helps entrepreneurs make informed decisions that support business growth and success.

  5. Attracts investors: Investors are more likely to invest in a business if the entrepreneur has a clear understanding of the market size and potential revenue. Market sizing provides investors with insights into the market opportunity and the potential for a return on their investment.

# 3. Approaches to sizing a niche market.

There are various approaches to sizing a niche market, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Some common approaches include:

  1. Top-Down Approach: This approach involves estimating the size of the overall market and then using that figure to estimate the size of your niche market. This approach can be useful when market research is not available, but it may not be as accurate as other methods.

  2. Bottom-Up Approach: This approach involves estimating the size of your niche market by examining the size of your customer base and extrapolating that figure to the larger market. This approach can be more accurate than the top-down approach, but it requires detailed customer data.

  3. Total Addressable Market (TAM) Approach: This approach involves estimating the size of your total addressable market, which includes all potential customers who could use your product or service. This approach can be useful for identifying potential customers, but it may overestimate the size of your niche market.

Employing a combination of all three will give you a more accurate notion of the size and potential of your target market.

# 4. Key concepts of market sizing.

Total Addressable Market (TAM), Serviceable Addressable Market (SAM), and Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM) are three critical terms that entrepreneurs and solopreneurs should understand when sizing their target market.

Total Addressable Market (TAM) refers to the total demand for a particular product or service in a particular geographic location. It represents the total revenue opportunity available to a company if it were to capture 100% market share and is expressed in Dollar figures rather than potential numbers of customers.

For example, say a company plans to launch a new line of organic skincare products targeting the US market. In that case, its TAM would be the total demand for organic skincare products in the United States, including all types of products and brands, regardless of whether or not they are direct competitors.

While TAM represents the total revenue opportunity available to a company, it is often unrealistic to expect to capture 100% of the market share. Therefore, it is essential to estimate the Serviceable Addressable Market (SAM), which is the portion of the TAM that the company can realistically serve with its resources and capabilities.

Continuing with the example above, say the organic skincare company has the resources to distribute its products across the United States through e-commerce platforms and select retail stores. Then, its SAM would be the total demand for organic skincare products within the specific geographic regions where it can distribute and serve customers.

Once a company has estimated its SAM, it can then estimate the Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM), which is the portion of the SAM that a company can realistically capture given its marketing strategy, competition, and other market factors.

For instance, if the organic skincare company's marketing strategy focuses on sustainable and environmentally friendly products, its SOM would be the total demand for organic skincare products within its SAM that values such qualities.

To further illustrate the concept of SOM, let's consider the case of Airbnb. The company's TAM is the total revenue opportunity available to them if they could capture 100% of the hotel and short-term rental market. However, their SAM is the portion of the market they can realistically serve with their platform, which includes private accommodations listed on their platform. Finally, their SOM is the portion of their SAM that they can capture based on factors such as their marketing strategy, brand reputation, competition, and user experience.

So, TAM, SAM, and SOM are essential market sizing concepts that can help entrepreneurs and solopreneurs understand their target market's revenue potential, estimate the portion of the market they can realistically serve, and determine the portion they can capture based on their marketing strategy and market factors.

# 5. How to conduct niche market sizing

Conducting market sizing involves gathering and analyzing data about your target market. Here are some steps you can take to conduct market sizing effectively:

  1. Define your target market: You need to define your target market and accurately identify your industry niche. So using the Airbnb example your industry is hotels and room rentals, your niche is private accommodation available for short term rent. Defining your target market also includes identifying the geographic area you’ll be serving, as well as the demographic, psychographic, and behavioral characteristics of your ideal customer.

  2. Gather data on market size: There are several ways to gather data on market size. You can use market research reports, industry associations, government statistics, and online databases to gather data on the size of your target market.

  3. Analyze market trends: Analyzing market trends involves examining historical data to identify patterns and trends. This can help you understand the potential for growth in your market and make informed decisions about investment and expansion.

  4. Estimate market share: Once you have data on market size, you can estimate your potential market share. This involves calculating what percentage of the market you can realistically capture based on your product or service offering as well as your pricing, distribution and marketing strategy.

  5. Set revenue goals: Based on your market size and estimated market share, you can set revenue goals for your business. This helps you develop a realistic sales strategy and identify the resources you need to achieve your goals.

In summary, market sizing helps you identify your ideal customer base, helps to set realistic revenue goals and develop an effective sales strategy. Secondly, market sizing can help you identify potential new customers. This is essential for developing a marketing strategy that targets the right customers with the right message. Lastly, market sizing can help you understand the potential for growth. By analyzing market trends and projections, you can estimate the growth potential of your business and make informed decisions about investment and expansion.

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Wishing you success, prosperity, personal growth and positive change.

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