I'm Georgette Kolkman. I'm a brand and business strategist, the founder of BrandCrib and author of Your New boss is You - A handbook for aspiring solopreneurs and entrepreneurs. After over two decades in brand management and marketing for a global brand, I decided to go solo. For me 2022 was the year when I stepped out of my comfort zone, committed to doing things I had never done before, and in the process completely reinvented myself.
My mission is to help other's find their passion, become self-reliant and embrace the future of work.
Read more about my journey below......
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My Story
The pandemic of 2020 was a milestone event for most of us. It forced us all to stop, re-center and re-calibrate. For most of us finding work-life balance and protecting our mental health became the priority and so began The Great Resignation.
Like so many others, I was trying to work out what I wanted to do with my life. I felt burnt out, stuck, anxious, insomniac. So I decided to change everything. I took a leap of faith, gave up a dream job in Dubai and moved to Amsterdam.
I went into hermit mode - meditating, walking in nature, getting regular exercise and managing my nutrition. I've got my 25 year-old-body back and feel fitter than I have in 20 years. I started reading, studying and researching the big macro trends that were reshaping the future of work. What I learned was fascinating and I wanted to document it.
So I wrote a book entitled 'Your New Boss is You - A Handbook for Aspiring Solopreneurs and Entrepreneurs' and self-published it on Amazon. I wasn't looking to become a bestselling author, rather to share the information I'd gathered. I used it as the blueprint to start my own consultancy, BrandCrib. I wanted to do it myself, from scratch. I registered my business and domain, developed my business plan and services, designed my own logo, set up my website and blog.
I've found my superpower, I get to do what I love and help others do the same. I enjoy time with like minded people, writing, travelling, hiking, art, music, theatre, food. I'm learning new skills every day, creating value and monetizing it. It's satisfying, exciting and totally liberating. With a little help you can too....